Program Courses


Communication Foundations

This course invites students to practice and develop the foundational skills and competencies necessary to communicate in a variety of contexts. Students will be challenged to reflect upon questions that include, but are not limited to: What is the purpose of communication? How does one communicate effectively and professionally? How can I improve communication to meet the needs of my audience? Students will learn to analyze different audiences and their needs and adapt their messages to ensure written, verbal, and visual communication is effective. The course will introduce communication theories, techniques, and models for interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, public communication, and intercultural environments.

Computer Systems – Hardware
 This course introduces the students to the hardware aspect of computer systems. Using hands-on labs, active learning, guided discussions and lectures, students will learn how to identify and describe computer components and peripherals and how to build and troubleshoot systems from a hardware perspective. This course assists students in preparing to service personal computers and related equipment and prepares the students for the hardware component of CompTIA A+ certification exam. This course is followed by CSYS 2122 in semester 2, which focuses on computer software.

Introduction to Programming

Students will be introduced to the general principles of computer programming, including basic data types, basic input and output, operators, control structures, and the use of single-dimension arrays (lists). A structured approach will be taken to solve mostly business-relevant problems. Students will create plans and determine test values before coding computer programs. Students will also have an opportunity to revise their work in terms of functionality and style based on feedback from a variety of sources. The Python programming language has been selected as the language vehicle for the course.

Data Communications and Networking 1

This course is the first of three courses that are aligned to prepare the student towards many of the objectives of the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) accreditation. This course introduces the learner to the fundamentals of how networks operate. They will learn of network components and their functions, they will understand how a network is structured, and the architectures used to create networks, including the internet. By the end of this course, the learner will be able to build local area networks (LANs), configure basic settings on routers and switches, and implement internet protocol (IP).

Introduction to Databases

This course will introduce students to relational databases, their presence in our daily lives and where they fit in an IT career. Students will first learn the basics of database environments before coming to understand how databases help us make well-informed strategic decisions. Using Structured Query Language students will create basic relational databases according to a provided specification while also learning how to write efficient queries to retrieve information for end users. The skills and knowledge from this course are fundamental prerequisites to database courses later in the student's program of study.

Mathematics for IT

This course introduces the students to the business math and logic fundamentals required in the information Technology (IT) industry. Practical problems in Mathematics for IT build a solid foundation in the Mathematical skills that are used in the number of Areas such as Networking, Systems Administration, Programming, Database Management, Web Programming and Computer Repair. The main topics covered in this course are listed below: • Course Outline and SALS (Student Academic Learning Services) • Mathematics fundamentals (Review of Arithmetic, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion) • Computer Math (Number Systems: Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal; Binary Codes: BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC and UNICODE; Digital Technology Metrics: Bits, Bytes, KB, MB, GB and TB and Binary Arithmetic) • Other topics (Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences, Functions, Graphs, Factorial, Recursion and Statistics) • Computer Logic (Truth Tables, Basic Logic gates, Boolean Expressions and Boolean Algebra) This course emphasizes problems in Business, Digital and Information Technology. The students are taught how to solve mathematical problems with appropriate technology. The students can connect to available Durham College resources to review and improve basic Math skills.



Computer Systems - Software

This course builds on the learning that takes place in CSYS 1122, Computer Systems I. While CSYS 1122 assisted in covering the hardware portion of the CompTIA A+ certification, this course assists with covering the software portion of that certification. Specifically, topics covered include installation, management, optimizing and troubleshooting of Windows client platforms. Students will also learn basic Windows networking concepts and scripting. Students will work using the Graphical User Interface as well as the Command Shell / DOS prompt.

Enterprise Client Support
This course focuses on key information and skills for user support professionals, including troubleshooting and problem solving, successful communication with users, determining clients' specific needs, writing technical documents and training end users. This course will introduce students to hands-on incident management/help desk software and service desk operations. With balanced coverage of both people skills and technical skills, this course is suitable for those in or preparing for the technical-support field.

Data Communications and Networking 2

This course is the second of three courses that are aligned to prepare the student towards the objectives of the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) accreditation. This course advances the learners knowledge of the operation of routers and switches in small networks. It will also introduce the student to wireless local area networks (WLANs) and network security concepts. By the end of this course the learner will be able to configure advanced functionality in routers and switches. They will also be able to perform basic troubleshooting of these components. Using security best practices, they will be able to troubleshoot and resolve common protocol issues in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

Software Testing and Automation

This course is designed to give students the theoretical background and practical knowledge and skills required to succeed in the software industry as Software Testers and Test Automation engineers. This course focuses in understanding the principles of automation and the application of tools for analysis and testing of software. Studies further introduce students to the role of the tester and the business analyst in the Quality Assurance Process. Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts and processes of Software Testing which consists of the verification of implemented solutions against documented specifications. They review various levels of software testing such as black box, grey box, white box, regression, static, dynamic or automated, and learn to create test cases and a test plan. They will comprehend the methods available to use in unit testing and the various tools available to help in running, debugging, and automating the unit tests. The students would be introduced to various test automation frameworks available for automating web applications.

General Education Elective

Elective general education courses appear in your program of study as GNED 0000. This is called a "placeholder." This placeholder is replaced by an actual course that you will select from a list of available "elective" general education courses when you register in the relevant semester. Please note that the type and number of elective courses available will vary from semester to semester and from year to year.

Web Development - Fundamentals

This course introduces the student to the Internet infrastructure, concentrating on the World Wide Web and Web application servers, and provides an overview of emerging Web development technologies. The lectures introduce the student to essential Web development techniques and features. The labs focus on producing working web pages published on the Internet, and simple interactive Web applications, with validated code for multi-browser compatibility. The server environment is the Apache server on the UNIX-like OS, with MS Windows browsers and editors on the client-side. Server-side Web applications will be created using the PHP scripting language and database functionality will be achieved with and SQL queries will be performed against a PostGreSQL RDBMS running on the server. Students will be required to install and configure software on their laptops, creating a portable development environment.

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