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We have two programmes under this department

  • Diploma in Information Technology (2years)
  • Pre-Technology and Enginnering (1year)

Diploma in Inforamtion Technology

Objecetives of the Programme-2 YEARS

The program is project-focused,training students in the study of computer systems and their applications. Students developed the ablility to process data or information in order to solve problems and study programming languages,algorithms and inforamtion structures. The discipline is applied within the marketplace, as well as in research.

A graduate of the Diploma in Information Technology programme will be able to :

  • Analyze and resolve basic inforamtion technology problems through the application of systemic approcahces.
  • Support the analysis,planning,design,development and implementation of computer systems and networks.
  • Design,install,configure,troubleshoot and manage components of computer systems
  • Apply basic knowoedge of software application development
  • Interpret,produce,and present work-related documents and information effectively and accurately.
  • Install,configure,and optimize microcomputer operatings systems and network application software
  • Install,manage,and maintain web servers;design and develop websites.

Our Computer Laboratory has been arranged with the necessary hadwares or devices to serve all the needs of our students. With good ventilation and fully arranged with computers, we also have a wireless network (24/7) which students can use to connect to the internet, which will aid them in most of their research and projects.

Click here for diploma in information technology course outline

Admission Requirements for Diploma in Inforamtion Technology

i.SSSCE/WASSCE with six(6) passes or equivalent(SSSCE:A-E/ WASSCE:A1-D7),that is English Language, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies and any other 3 electives subjects.

ii.Mature Students: Candidatee must be at least 25 years old and must write and pass an entrance examination in English,Mathematics,IT, and General Business.



Preparing for a Technology and Engineering career

Many students find it difficult to enter technology and engineering degree programs. They simply don't know which area of technology they wish to pursue as career or they lack the entry requirements. Pre-technology and engineering programs at Mankessim College of Health Sciences can help those students get the entry requirements and explore the various technology industries. The program is designed to help them boost or upgrade their academic profiles to qualify to enter colleges or universities of their choice.
If you're interested in a technology or Engineering career we highly recommend considering our 1-year to upgrade you academic qualification with Mankessim College of Health Sciences, Our program will ensure you meet the requirements of these programs.

Pre-Technology and Engineering  Courses

Our programs give students hands-on experience in a number of technology areas, such as programming, computer engineering,electronics and more. Lab work and training with AutoCAD and other computer-assisted technology is emphasized. Students will explore the technology industry and take courses in math, physics and chemistry to upgrade their knowledge to meet entrance requirements for the technology programs of their choice at any university.

Entry Requirements for Pre-Health Technology

Mankessim College of Health Sciences pre-technology programs typically require a Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSSCE), WASSCE or Mature applicant or equivalent. Additional academic requirements will vary by program, but may include English and select mathematics and physics credits.

Program Overview

For students interested in the Technology stream, core courses in communications, computers, and personal development are enhanced by courses in math, chemistry, and physics. Graduates of the Technology stream are prepared for future study in college and university programs such as Civil Engineering Technology, Energy Systems Engineering Technician/Technology, Aeronautic Engineering, Game Development Technician and many more.

Click here for Pre-Technology course outline

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Pre-Technology & Engineering

Diploma in Information Technology



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ManCollege has excellent facilities for students.

These range from our well stocked library, modern lecture halls with multimedia facilities, state of the art computer centre and demonstration theatre. | more»

Life as a students could be as challenging as it is exciting.This is why you need all the support you can get.

Our academic advisers make sure that you make the best of the opportunities available at the school.Mankessim College of Health Sciences has the best of professional tutors. | more»

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